ALBION is a collective of established needlepoint designers, all hailing from the British Isles. Our goal is to promote and inspire the colourful, calming and sublime craft of needlepoint, bringing it to a wider audience.

There is so much to say about needlepoint... or as we like to call it here, 'tapestry'. The craft has been around for centuries and has gone in and out of favour in the past. Many may associate it with worn and dusty hand stitched artifacts in museum glass casements. Often we hear, "Oh yes, my granny used to do that", or another favourite. "I bought one once - I have it somewhere... I never finished it.."

As a craft, needlepoint is accessible to old and young, experienced and beginner alike. But as designers, we have felt that the designs have always veered towards the traditional or twee. Predictable designs have limited the audience and, like half knitted jumpers, they are started, overlooked and then left for the moths to enjoy. We believe that the craft should be design led and decided to create a creative, vibrant and educational platform that showcases our work and gives needlepoint the recognition it deserves.

The past couple of years has really highlighted the importance of working with your hands. During the recent lockdowns, so many found comfort and peace in taking up needlepoint and production struggled to keep up with demand. The joy and meditative aspects of needlepoint were so well received that it is now forecast to be the next big trend in the craft industry.

As a response to the popularity of needlepoint, every year, each featured designer will release a design based upon an agreed theme. This could be anything from downloadable chart to a full kit with wools, printed canvas and guidance. We will also take turns in blogging on a favourite aspect of the craft.

The British Isles has long been a place associated with eccentricity, innovation and uniqueness. Each of our established designers take the three basic tools of canvas, thread and needle to bring their own unique perspective to this craft. We hope you enjoy our designs and feel encouraged to pick up a needle and understand our love for this craft.